Glad Tidings!

Glad Tidings!

Thanks for dropping in. 

On Sunday, we put up 21 framed prints of my newest watercolors; @       The Sunroom Cafe 638 State Street, Madison~~~ August 21st through September 23rd, 2017

I like how they look with the vintage architecture, tall old windows and creamy walls.  Come check it out.  The Sunroom is a bright & lovely spot.

I'm currently thrilled with the piece I'm working on and can't wait to finish and share it.  It's an old door, some windows, an oak tree... and yet it's quite unique; you'll like it.

On Friday, we're putting up another show; two blocks further up State Street .... and the Sunroom show moves to an, as yet undisclosed, venue in Atwood, before the end of September........................ stay tuned....See you soon.



